Employer Branding From Theory to Practice
20 December 2017 / Dr. Engin Baran
Last year, I started working on the translation in German and adaptation of my book in which I tell my experiences about what I lived through and learned from the Employer Branding projects.
We summarized the most successful projects and researches of six companies in Germany, Switzerland and Italy in cooperation with senior executives of the aforementioned businesses as case studies.
The German Army, Deutsche Bundeswehr recounted how they shared the recruitment process of 12 new conscripts that were admitted this year in a completely unfiltered and uncensored way in the social media. Unicredit shared with us the story of their incredibly successful IMPACT project which secured an amazing achievement in the education, rotation and integration to the workplace of the graduates.
Swiss gave us the details of how they decorated their first Boeing 777-300ER plane with the faces of their 2.500 employees and how they subsequently were selected as the best employer last year. German Railways, Deutsche Bahn talked us through their system of recruitment of an average of 8.000 employees that included virtual reality and holograms. Bayer gave us a summary of how they have developed an EVP parallel to their company values. Last, but not least, trendence, the biggest research company in Europe on employer branding related the measures to be employed to attract, bind and be engaged among the so-called ‘digitals’.
After 14 months of work, today my book has been printed in Germany. I wanted to share this beautiful moment with you...